Friday, May 1, 2009

Congressman Polis: progressive views on Iraq and Afghanistan

(photo:  Joshua Casto)

While attending recently (April 14th to be exact) a Jared Polis-centered event at Johnson and Wales University, it became refreshingly evident that there are some new, fresh voices in Congress.  What Congress needs more of, in fact, are voices like that of Mr. Polis.  Jared Polis, a young entrepreneur who founded and the New America Charter School, happens to be the very first openly-gay non-incumbent elected to the United States Congress.  Inasmuch as he is a pioneer, he brings a business-like and efficient tone to Washington.  There's nothing worse than a representative who makes little sense or communicates poorly.  Congressman Polis, a man only in his 30s, brings to Congress business acumen and a finely-tuned sense of the importance of social welfare in America.  Social welfare, as such, should not be confused with the welfare state.  Social welfare refers to the overall wellbeing and the efficacy of safety nets in society taken as a whole.  It's sort of like we're only as strong as our weakest links:  people can and do lift themselves from lives of crime and poverty when the wealthier sectors invest in useful programs and create educational and business opportunities.  Congressman Polis' New America Charter Schools are an example of a belief in reaching out to the underserved in that they are English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) focused.


It was refreshing to listen to the Congressman, especially as he spoke at length regarding his trip to Iraq and Afghanistan just prior to his Johnson and Wales speaking engagement on April 14th.  To begin, Mr. Polis was an opponent of the Iraq Invasion.  And not without reason:  IF THERE HAD BEEN NO FOOLISH INVASION OF IRAQ, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN BUDGET SURPLUSES IN 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007.   Certainly, it was an ill-thought and horrendously-planned attempt at spreading democracy and nation-building that really just turned into an extended colonization of a fractured Middle Eastern state.  It was heartening when the Congressman reported that the casualty rate from  accidents in Iraq and Afghanistan has actually surpassed the casualty rate from conflict.  This fact should provide some comfort to the family members of the brave men and womyn serving in our missions abroad.  The United States should be out of Iraq by 2011 - and this, most certainly is a good thing.  Additionally, it was reported that the Iraqi government is mostly, but not entirely, stabilized.  The downside is the resurgence of religious and social fundamentalism that has been ushered in by a democratized Iraqi government.  Because of the recent drop in worldwide per barrel oil prices, Iraq now finds itself in a budget crisis as their revenue has halved.  Of concern, however, is Mr. Polis' report of the use of Peruvian mercenaries to guard the so-called green zone.  In what I consider a very valid manner, he identified the risks of using essentially jack-booted thugs with no particular loyalties to provide protection and security in and around Baghdad.  Chief among those risks is the potential for the exportation of violence once the services of the aforementioned mercenaries are no longer required.

And regarding an issue of particular importance to me, Iraq clearly has a problem when it comes to the lack of safety for homosexuals.  When I asked the Congressman if homosexuality or homosexual acts were illegal in Iraq, he replied no.  There is no uniform, national law criminalizing gays.  That circumstance notwithstanding, the rise of fundamentalism in the country has posed a serious threat because many law enforcement officials there are all too willing to ignore violence against gays and there is little legal intervention available when gays are imprisoned if for no other reason than to punish them for being simply who they are.  As Mr. Polis aptly pointed out, HUMAN RIGHTS = PROTECTING THE LEAST POPULAR AND MOST MARGINALIZED BY ANY CULTURE OR COUNTRY.  If Iraq wants to be taken seriously as a modern and thriving democracy, then I believe it must do a better job of protecting gays.


As we all recall, President Obama campaigned on a promise to shift our focus to finding and destroying the terrorists where they live.  I was in attendance at Mile High Stadium last summer when he bravely made this promise.  And he's reiterated it on many occasions.  What we know is there are about 5000 Al Qaeda fighters|terrorists|cowards living in southeastern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border.  Much to my alarm during his discussion, Congressman Polis noted that there is an average lifespan of 46 years in the country and a literacy rate of approximately 25%.  There are illiterate police officers and, in fact, a police sergeant is not required to have more than what in America would be a 4th grade ability to read.  And as for the treatment of womyn:  DISGUSTING.  Taliban morons throw acid in the faces of girls whose only crime is pursuing an education.  Afghanistan is a marginally stable state that has been in a near-constant state of civil war for the past 30 years.  There is little wonder why this country is a breeding ground for terrorists:  it's a haven for ignorance and backward thinking.  The Pashtu tribe near the Pakistani border provides a willing human resource for Taliban extremism.  There is no doubt in my mind that increased war efforts in Afghanistan are crucial to bolstering American national security.

Congressman Polis' voice and presence in Congress is important.  There are others like him (notably the Honorable Diana Degette), but MORE are needed.  I believe elevated consciousness is contagious, and as Congress becomes increasingly populated with progressive thinkers, American policy will reflect a stronger and sounder body of more compassionate and results-driven ideals...